viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

My best friend~

If you ask me about my best friend I just can think in one person: my little dear Iziar. Well, I met Iziar when we were at school, specifically in 7th grade, in the year 2013 so we have been friends for 6  beautiful years.
Iziar is the kind of person that makes you feel good in every situation, her company is so beautiful and comfortable. Besides, she is a very pretty girl and she is so smart.
Now I can't see her very often as when we were in school (where we saw each other everyday haha) because I am in university and she is not, so we met when I am not stressed with my study. Despite this, I consider her my best friend because she is always there for me. Aaah, she is so good, she helps me and she gives me encouragement when I am sad, and we spent good times when we are together.
We are almost soulmates because we enjoyed very similar kind of music, we like movies and series (our favourite one is American Horror Story) we are in love with the same actor: Thomas Sangster haha, and much more. In spite of this we have our differences like the fact that I am a scientist soul and she is a humanist one, in fact I'm studying biochemistry and she wants to study psychology. No matter what, we love each other.
Well, I have a lot of good memories with Iziar, but one special memory is when she invited me to my first protest, she told me "say goodbye to your 14 years old" because the next day it would be my birthday. I enjoyed that day so much and it was more special just because I lived this beside my friend.
Aaah I really love her馃挄

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

The best concert ever!

Oh God! I can't be serious when someone asks me about one of my favorite day because it makes me so excited. That amazing day is when I went to my 2nd concert in my life, well it was like a festival, its name was: "Music Bank" where a variety of Kpop bands made a show, but I went just for one band: B.A.P, they are the love of my life so I was so excited to spend a lot of money just to watch one band (who will play 5 songs haha). The show was at Movistar Arena on 23rd March 2018.

Well, I was so happy, so excited, so fascinated, so good haha because, as I said, I really really love them, but who are they? B.A.P is a South Korean band of Kpop, hip-hop and R&B, they are so versatile with their music, the made from romantic songs to revolutionary songs, that's why I love them. Besides, they are so good persons, they take care about people's rights, environment and they taught a lot of things to their fans (their fanclub's name is BABYs)

Now, what happened on the concert? Wow, just beautiful and special things. I went to the show with 2 friends: Danae and Fernanda, it made that day more special. The concert started with B.A.P's show, they delighted the public with their most popular songs (as Warrior) and their fantastic dances, Jong Up (one of B.A.P's members) did his hip-hop's moves, Dae Hyun and Young Jae sang with their beautiful voices. Aaaa, I will stop because I would talk about it for all day hehe.

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2019

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Wow… Honestly, one of my dreams is visit a lot of countries because there are beautiful and interesting; but the first country in my list is South Korea because I really love its culture and I would like know more about it, so the best way to make that dream come true is get a trip to there.
In fact, I know a few very curious things about South Korea, for example the most popular style of music is called K-POP which have a lot  of groove and dance, indeed, every song have their own  choreography, besides the rutine of artists is so estrict because the managers are so cruel.
On the other hand, I know how to write Korean words and I know about some important monuments like:"changgyeonggung” which belongs to the dynasty Joseon.

Now if you ask to me what would I do there I would answer: taste many differents types of food and drinks as kimchi or bulgogi.
I would study and live in South Korea because the scientists have more opportunities to work and grow as academic, also I could meet my idols like Zelo or hyungwon, but there is one problem: in university they are very demanding and that’s make me feel so scared.

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019


Hi everybody!
Today I'm going to tell you who I am.☺
Well, my name is Laura and I'm 18 years old. I'm from Chile and I'm studying the career of Biochemistry in the Universidad of Chile.
If we talk about my English, it's a little bit basic but I really try to do my best work. My strengths are that I really like to know about other languages and I can talk in English too. Sadly, my weaknesses in English is that it's complicated for me to undestand when someone talks to me in English, that's why I am going to English class in my university. My expectations for this class are that I learn to listen and understand English and with this I will be able to talk with other people in English, at the same time I really want to enjoy the classes because they can help me to forget for a little moment the monotony of the university.